Wednesday, May 9

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev changed the rules and ways of the old communist leaders, such as Stalin's, and brought in new ideas for the Soviet Union. He introduced and gave more freedom to the people, and let the people run the market more in their way. He also encouraged them to bring in new ideas and help with any new ways or things that they think that could improve their country. He also changed foreign policies and made better relationship with other countries to improve the economy. He changed the communist ways of the Soviet Union and made it more democratic.
Glasnost is a policy in Russia introduced by Gorbachev that encourages citizens to come up with new ideas and speak up for them selves and improve their own economy and country.
Perestroika is the economic structuring also introduced by Gorbachev in Soviet Union.

Tuesday, May 8

Collapse of Communism

Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe and the USSR because of the fall of communism and when the people of these areas revolted. People no longer wanted or accepted communism. People teared down the Berlin wall because it divide the border of the communist east Germany and democratic west Germany, and people did not want that anymore. The Soviet Union collapsed and people went against them. With their collapse every country around them also began to delcare their independence. That is how communism stopped and changed the world.

Monday, May 7

Creation of Israel

Zionism is a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel. The conflict that occured when Israel was created was that the Arabs in the middle east did not like them and did not want Jews amongst themselves, so they attacked the country, and kept attacking it. And they divided up Palestine and Israek, and in 1947, 700,000 Arab Palestinians movd to a refugee camp, and this caused more problems and conflicts. Also, Israel was a holy site for 3 different religions, and was where these religions has rose from. It is a holy shrine for Muslims, Christians, and the Jews.

Nelson Mandela & Apartheid

The Apartheid is from 1948 to 1994. This is the time period of racial segregation in Africa. Where Africans were not able to be a citizen of their own countries, and where they had barely any freedom or civil rights. Nelson Mandela is a hero because he faught and spoke out for African segragation going on in Africa. He also was their political leader, and he did not give up. He stayed in jail instead of being set free when offered because he said he will still be locked up without freedom. He is admired because of his book, and his work that he did, and for being a freedom fighter.

Friday, April 27

African Independence

Africa changed so much from 1955 to 1975 because they did not want to return to colonial domination like any other countries. In between the wars an educated middle class began to come up. They came up with the Negritude movement. Kwame Nkrumah was a leader who studied in US, helped get the Gold Coast from the British. After getting its independence they named it Ghana after a famous African kingdom. Nkrumah became the first prime minister. There was also a Kenya Nationalist Jomo Kenyatta. Another was the rise of the Mau Mau, a secret society made of Kikuyu farmers. They tried to frighten the white farmers into leaving the land. The Congo's soon got their independence in 1960 from Belgium. Patrice Lumumba became the first prime minster of Congo. Later for 32 years Motubu ruled the country after renaming it to Zaire. In 1962 Algeria then got its independence and Ahmed Ben Bella became the first prime minister and then first president.

Wednesday, April 25

9th Grade Review-Neolethic Revolution

The Neolethic Revolution is when after the Hunter Gatherers realised that they can make a farm and grow their own food in one place than having to travel from one place to another place. It is also the time they realised that they can raise animals for milk and use for the future and to grow them and then later on eat them. The Neolethic Revolution was a fundemental change in the human life, because this is when humans began to actually settle down in one place. This changed the way we live.

The European Union

The European Union can prevent from the world going to another world war. It can also prevent from these European countries from having contsant rivarlys and problems. Now people can work freely in EU countries that live in any EU country. So now these countries which fought each other are now sharing an economy, government, even military.

Monday, April 16

Film Lesson-"The Right Stuff"

The US and the USSR was competing in the film "The Right Stuff" by racing to see who can send a man out to space first. The Russians were winning the competition at first because they sent out a man first to orbit around the Earth once. Then US sent a man and he was able to orbit around the Earth for multiple times, and was able to orbit more then the USSR's astronaut were able to.
The scenes of the man running to the president's office and telling the news of the USSR beating the US in making a space ship and then to sending a man upto space. Another scene is of the news postings and news articles of the USSR man who went to space first, and the pictures of the monkey and how he went to space first, but then the USSR sent a man, and making the US look dumb.