Wednesday, March 21

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

When I saw "Night and Fog" I was very disgusted at what was happening, and also very sad because of what had happened to so many innocent lives. I was just awe struck and to think of something like that, then to imagine, and actually see it happen, it is just unbelievable if you think of it sometimes. Like, how did something like this every really happen? Who could be so inhumane to do this?
Yes, I did find this video very powerful, and very disturbing but also very realistic, and it shows you almost exactly what happened in those concentration camps, and how the people spent their lives.
The documentary of "Night and Fog" better and more illustration and shows how nasty and bad the Holocaust actually was, even though it was kind of boring to watch. But, "Schindler's List" was more interesting to watch and see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.