Sunday, March 18

US Atomic Bombing Of Japan in 1945

I think that this article was correct, and I do agree with the fact that the atomic bombing of US on Japan is the number one news of the 20th century. I believe this because this was the most devastating thing that happened during the 20th century, I cannot think of anything else that has happened worse. This was something that should be honored and remembered through history and to not make that mistake again. And it changed the way we were starting to have wars and brought a big threat to all humans against themselves, and it was something that was unbelievable that happened, that its hard to believe one country killed 200,000 people because one man said so.
I think another big news story would be about Sierra Leon and the blood diamonds, that is something that can be compared to the bombing of the Japanese cities because that is also something unbelievable that happened.
On the list I would probably put Sierra Leon as the second and the African Slave trade as the 3rd, and the holocaust as the 4th.

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