Thursday, April 12

Cuban Missle Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis is the closest that the world came to a nuclear war. This started when America found out that Soviet missiles were being prepared in Cuba, and USA looked at it as a threat. So President John F. Kennedy organized Ex-Comm, a group of his twelve most important advisers to handle the problem. President Kennedy demanded that the missiles be removed and if any missiles were launch then America would take it as a threat from the Soviet Union. Khrushchev of Turkey demanded in a letter for the removal of U.S. missiles in Turkey in exchange for Soviet missiles in Cuba. The United States ignored the letter. Then things began to cool down on October 28 when Khrushchev said that he would take apart the installations of the missiles and return them to the Soviet Union. And he said the he is trusting the United States to not invade Cuba and more negotiations were added during the October 28 agreement. Which included that Soviet light bombers also be removed from Cuba and the USA assuring not to invade Cuba.

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